tiistai 25. elokuuta 2009

Basic Pizza

I love homemade pizza with a crispy base and good toppings. Here is one very simple recipe that doesn't require a pizza oven or pizza stone.


2,5 dl warm water
2 teaspoons salt
6-7 dl flour
1/2 bag yeast

Quick tomato sauce:

1/2 tin tomatoes (drained)
tomato puree

Toppings to taste: this time we had mushrooms, pepper, red onion, tomato, fresh mozzarella and some basic cheese + some rucola for garnish.

- Add salt to the warm water
- Add half of the flour and yeast
- Add rest of the flour and knead well
- Add a splash of oil
- Let the dough rise at least 1/2 hour in a warm place (until its size has doubled)
- Oil a baking tray and, using your hands, shape the dough until it's flat and evenly covers the baking tray.
- Add the tomato sauce and toppings
- Bake at 250°c for 15-20 minutes

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